4.0 Jobs

The Job page will display job cards for your current job bookings and upcoming job bookings. The job card will have the following details:

Job Number

Location of the job

Activity for the Job

Client Name

Click the arrow to view Job Details:


GPS MAP: The GPS maps will display a pin representing the crew members. The pin will determine if the crew is within the vicinity of the job location. You can also slide the timer to see the whereabouts of the crew on a given time.

App Communication

On the Job Details page, you can call or send a message to the staff.

Simply tap on the phone icon of the staff to initiate the call.

Next to each crew there is a phone icon with the En Route (EN) key  – a notification will be sent to the crew if they are en route to the job location. If they have confirmed to be en route, a check mark will appear next to “EN”.

The message icon allows you to message the crew through the app. Under is the  Check In (CI) key – once crew has checked in to the job, there will be a check symbol next to “CI”

Notes: Add a checklist for the crew to make sure they complete all tasks on the job and bring all the required equipment.

Star Rating

You can rate the star based on his performance. Tap the star icon to open the rating pop-up. Select the number of stars for the rating of the crew.

You may also leave your feedback and tap the boxes below if they have complete PPE, Uniform, shown Professionalism and workmanship during the entire shift.

Documents button: Allows you to view and send the Staff’s Qualification documents.