Main Page and Navigation

After logging in, you will be taken to the main page of the system.

The Main Page is subdivided into three (3) sections:

  1. TOP Menu Bar
  2. Central Navigation Bar
  3. Ops Home Page

From the TOP Menu Bar, the different modules of the PM system can be accessed. The menu options will vary depending on the type of access the logged in user has. In the leftmost portion, you can toggle the button to view ALL businesses or turn it OFF. This is turned ON by default. You can easily access the different modules in the TOP Menu Bar like Businesses, Payroll, TImesheets, Invoices, and Client Booking Block.

You can access your different BUSINESSES setup in PM in the TOP Menu Bar

You can easily access the SETTINGS page and the Logout from the system using the TOP Menu Bar.

From the Central Navigation Bar, you can easily access all the different modules available for your user access such as:

  1. Home (return to the Main Page)
  2. Crew Module
  3. Shifts Module
  4. Contacts Module
  5. Finance Module
  6. Message Module
  7. Help Page (this USER Guide); and
  8. Add Job function

To show all available functions in each module, simply hover your mouse over each Module’s ICON and the different functions under each module will appear as shown below.