Click the gear icon found on the upper right corner and click General Settings from the side menu.
10.2.1 Alternative Text
Alternate text for ‘Crew’: The word Crew can be replaced with any other preferred word across the PM software.
Alternate text for ‘Client’: The word Client can be replaced with any other preferred word across the PM software.
Alternate text for ‘Shift’: The word Shift can be replaced with any other preferred word across the PM software.
10.2.2 Calendar
Show Start Time on Calendar: Shows start times on Calendar View.
Show End Time on Calendar: Shows end times on Calendar View.
Show Crew Name on Calendar: Shows crew names on Calendar View.
Show Crew Mobile on Calendar: Shows crew mobiles on Calendar View.
Show Crew Shift Number on Calendar: Shows shift numbers on Calendar.
Show Unavailability Alerts: Unavailability alerts are shown on the shifts page when any crew is booked on a shift which is clashing with their unavailability.
View Calendar by Client/Site: Calendar can be sorted and grouped by Client.
Show Job Description on Calendar: A description text can be entered on each job sheet, this feature will show that “description” on Calendar View.
Graph Colour Grouping: This feature allows the users to see the shifts coloured by activities or job sheets.
Calendar View Number of Weeks: How many weeks the user will like to see.
View Shift as Calendar Starting day of the week: Select what day to start the calendar on
10.2.3 Clients
Clients can view Crew Details: Crew Names and Mobile Numbers.
Clients can view shifts: Clients to view shifts in their “Client Pages”
Clients can edit/approve timesheets: Tick to allow all Clients to edit timesheets shifts.
Clients that are allowed to enter time off in Shifts: These selected clients can manually enter the finish times of the crew. Use the ‘>>’ button to move the clients into the correct group.
Clients can request a quote: Enable this feature to make the “Request a quote?” option available in all online booking forms.
Hide Crew first names from Clients: Tick to hide first names of Staff from Clients
Codes: (SMS or Email texts for codes 1-4): Names for Codes 1-4 can be assigned here which will appear in SMS messages, which are sent to crew depending on job requirements. Email text, email version of the code.
10.2.4 Client Booking Settings
Primary and Secondary Booking Skill: Default activities that appear on the Client Online Booking page.
Clients to have Booking Edit/Delete permissions: Some (or all) clients can be assigned to edit their bookings. This option will allow the selected clients to see full crew list and copy/repeat shifts send SMS’s to crew. This option can be used if PM is set as an internal rostering system and “clients” are set up as supervisors / managers within the company rather than actual clients.
Clients to be able to view Payroll: Some (or all) clients can be assigned to view Payroll details. This option can be used if PM is set as an internal rostering system and “clients” are set up as supervisors / managers within the company rather than actual clients.
10.2.5 Client Email Jobsheet Summary
Fields that are visible in the Summary: Select the fields visible in the summary using ‘>>’ button. You are able to change the order visible using the up and down buttons.
Email Summary from Address: Enter email from address when summary is sent
10.2.6 Crew
Shirt Size Field: Drop down box hidden/ visible
Gender Text: Enter as many genders you prefer (Press enter key after you add gender text)
Profile photo upload required: Tick box on/off
In Staff login area, Tasks are: Drop down box hidden/ visible
Staff Available Across ALL Businesses: Tick to enable Staff to be available across all businesses. (If not Ticked, then the Staff will need to be assigned to businesses individually)
Default Category: Used for quotes/invoices when Staff member has no assigned categories
Crew can enter finish time and Lock shifts function: When enabled, all crew can lock off their shifts online by logging in to their crew page.
Show [x] days of past shifts in the Crew login area: How many days staff can see their past shift on the login page.
Crew can lock off shifts with a Start Time falling: “Before the current time”, “6-48 hrs in advance of current time” and “Any time” are the options for this feature, which allows crew to lock off their shifts “Any time”; “Before the current time”, which means shift start time must have passed to be able to lock, or 6-48 hours in advance of shift start time.
Individual Crew that can change shift times: Move Crew by using the ‘>>’ buttons
Show double booking warnings in Crew login area: Sometimes crew may be booked on two clashing shifts by choice and not by mistake. If it’s preferred that the crew is not to be bothered with a warning, this option can be turned off otherwise crew will see a double-booking warning in crew login area.
Unlock double booking shifts in Crew login area: This option will give crew the freedom to unlock double bookings in crew login page.
Email Admin about a “Crew online lock off”: PM to send an email to admin every time a shift is being locked off by crew. Choose from drop down;
- Upon Lock off: If you wish to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by any crew.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
Send Client a “Crew online lock off” email: PM can be set to send emails to the clients, whom the crew has worked for. Choose from drop down;
- Never: If you do NOT wish your clients to receive any emails about online lock offs.
- Upon Lock off: If you wish your client to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by the crew, who has worked for this client.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish your client to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish your client to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
Send the Businesses a “Crew online lock off” email: If businesses need to be notified about crew online lock offs or not, Choose from drop down;
- Never: If you do NOT wish the corresponding business to receive any emails about online lock offs.
- Upon Lock off: If you wish the corresponding business to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by any crew.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish the corresponding business to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish the corresponding business to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
Crew can Accept Shifts: Tick to allow Crew to accept shifts in “Crew Area”
Crew that CANNOT accept online: All crew can be allowed to accept shifts online, which are already offered to them via SMS. Any crew member who is chosen not to be allowed to use this option can easily be selected from the crew list. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list.
“Allow Crew to see other Crew” and “Crew that can see ALL Crew on the same jobs”: Tick to allow Staff see each other’s details if they are on the same shift in “Staff Area”. You can group who and who cannot. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list.
Allow Crew privacy: This option would allow Crew to hide their details from other Crew in “Crew Area”.
Allow Crew unavailability: Tick to allow Staff to enter their unavailability in “Staff Area”.
Crew that have privacy: If any crew chooses not to share his/her details with other crew, which appears on the crew page under upcoming jobs, he/she can make a request to be put on this list. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list
Show Crew unavailability on graph: Turn on crew unavailability on graph
Unavailable Graph Colour (Hexadecimal) and Leave Graph Colour (Hexadecimal): Select the colour for the leave and unavailable blocks, use the available colours or enter colour code.
Group graph by: Graphic view can also group by “Businesses” (set under PM) or “Crew Groups”.
Crew that can view ALL SHIFTS in graph: Some crew (usually high ranking crew) can be granted privileges to view all shifts, if their names are put in in this list. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list
Crew that can view ALL shifts with their name (not just the ‘C’ and ‘S’ shifts): In their Crew Support Page, Staff can normally see only confirmed shifts. With this option selected, Staff can see Shifts assigned (saved in the shift manually) to them even if not yet confirmed. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list
Crew can Update Personal Details: Tick to allow Crew to update their personal details in their individual “Crew Area”.
Crew can Upload Files: Tick to allow Crew to upload files in their individual “Crew Area”.
Crew can View Pay Details: Tick to allow Crew to view their pay details in their individual “Crew Area”.
Upload Notification Email Address: Notify whenever a crew updates there profile by email
SMS Shift Time Buffer: [X] (Minutes) Warning before shift.
Crew Carpool Shift Overlap: [X] (Minutes) Allowing Crew to see other Crew starting or finishing within the allocated time frame. So that crew are able to arrange a lift with other crew who may be driving to the same location.
Show Warning if Crew Member has completed more than [X] [hrs/shifts] in [X] [time]: If a warning needs to be triggered when any crew works more than certain amount of hours per period it can be entered here.
Staff message title: Edit greeting title, which appears on first page of the Crew profile
Staff message: A body of message can be entered here, which will always appear on the first page of each Crew’s profile page.
Admin will confirm Crew Unavailability: If “No” is selected, then crew’s unavailability requests will be approved immediately. If “Yes” is selected, all unavailability requests need to be approved by office staff/operators.
Obey Crew Groups functionality: If clicked “yes” then only names of crew which are associated with each client on “Crew Groups” will appear on Job Sheet / Edit Page when sending out “shift offer” messages. Option “no” will show all crew but still highlight the crew names (in blue) that are associated with corresponding client on Job Sheet / Edit Page. (For more info see “Crew Groups”)
Remove Crew – Client Association violations from Crew name lists: Option “yes” removes staff completely from crew lists for certain clients. Option “No” shows the names still but flags them as unavailable.
Custom Fields
10.2.7 Client additional information fields
This feature enables you to customize the Client Details Page by adding Fields of your own choosing. Fields can be added as a Text Box, a Text Area Box, Check Box or Drop-Down Box. Once these fields are created, they will appear on each client’s profile page, which can be switched on or off by ticking boxes.
10.2.8 Crew additional information fields
This feature enables you to customize the Crew Members Details Page by adding Fields of your own choosing. To add click on Add Field then fill in the Caption, Type, Default. Extra and tick Display on Reports.
Tip: It is recommended to check the selection in Crew Detail Page to ensure the new field is added and in the right selection.
When ‘Show Warnings for required field is available to Edit/Add/Select/Delete’ Tick box is selected those fields are available in 3 exports:
▪Shifts Page → Select an Action → Export to Excel
▪Shifts Page → Select an Action → Export Summary (Admin)
▪Timesheets Page → Export All Records
10.2.9 Staff Status
List can be put specific text; Mark as Required to show warning message when not complete; For Dropdown Type: please put the options separated by “|” in List field
10.2.10 Emails
Create emails templets for the following actions by filling out the text box. If you would like to go back to the existing messaged please press ‘Back to Default’
Auto-Booking email cancellation warning:
Email Request Message:
Email Request Message (2 connected shifts):
Email Request Message (more than 2 connected shifts):
Email Notify Staff of Change Message:
Email Cancellation Message:
Email Confirm Message:
Email Multi Confirm Message:
Email Decline Message:
Email Staff Reminder (16:00):
Email Onsite Contact Reminder (16:00):
Email Staff Reminder (After Hours):
Email Onsite Contact Reminder (After Hours):
TIP: Variables are available to use within the SMS text. For example, “This job starts at [TIME_ON]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
4.7.11 Expiry Reminders Emails
Set up reminder’s emails before any Crew Additional Information Fields expires for important documents like Visa, working with Children, RSA etc.
Client Warning
Clients can also receive an Additional Information Warning by tick boxing:
10.2.12 Email Message
Create email templets for the following topics
Invoice Message:
Statement Message:
Email footer:
PDF Invoice text:
PDF Invoice Default Payment Terms:
TIP: Variables are available to use within the email text. For example, “This invoice total was [SUB_TOTAL]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
10.2.13 Quote Template Settings
NOTE: Ensure “Set Customized Template as Default Option” is ticked for any of the below settings to be applied.
The ability to create your own quote template that includes a custom logo, default text before and after the quote section, custom footer, whether the quote prints in summary or detail form and whether the quote prints in Landscape or Portrait format.
The following configuration items are available via the ‘General Settings’.
Logo: A logo that will appear on all quotes.
Click on the “Choose File” to select file from computer to upload template.
TIP: JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS formats are the recommended template format to upload.
Quote Label: Title of the quote when the quote is email to the client.
Text Before Quote: Any text that will appear before the quotation.
Text After Quote: Any text that will appear after the quotation.
Quote Footer Text:
Any desired Quote footer text can be entered here.
TIP: Variables are available to use within the Quote text. For example, ” Date Prepated [DATE_PREPARED]”.
The available Variables are [DATE_PREPARED], [TO],[JOB_REFERENCE],[CLIENT_CODE],[EVENT_DATE],[JOB_DESCRIPTION],[VENUE] . Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
Quote Summary / Detail:
The information within the body of the quote can be displayed in summary or detail.
This is drop-down box, To select click on the drop-down selection of “Summarised” and “Detailed”. When “Summarised” is selected shifts with multiple crew are shown in one line as seen in the screen shot above. If “Detailed” is selected all individual shifts are shown in the quote as one line. So if a quote has 10x general staff doing the same job quote would have 10 lines, (1 for each staff booked).
Set Customised Template as Default Option:
When ticked the above templet becomes default settings for all Quotes.
To override the default template for individual quotes, click on the option ‘Choose Quote Template’ in the dropdown.
Quote Page Layout: Landscape or Horizontal
10.2.14 Invoice Settings
Summary: If the shift is paying the same and are going for the same time, they will be shown in one line
Details: If the shifts and the pay are the same, each shift will have their own line
10.2.15 Site Sheet Configuration
Site Sheet relates to the time sheet that can be printed off or email to crew. Below is the Site Sheet Configuration with you can edit.
Titles: of each column on the timesheet.
Content: the information that will relate to the title.
Width: how large the column is (recommend to increase size based on how much information is required).
Hide/ Delete: Hide the column from the sheet or completely delete it.
Please see below the timesheet based on the above settings.
10.2.16 SMS
SMS Shift Time Buffer: (Minutes) The actual shift start time minus the set amount of minutes. For example if this time is set to 15 minutes, Staff will be told to turn up at 08:45. for a 09:00am shift.
10.2.17 SMS Configuration
Crew that receive SMS reminders: Group who will receive using the ‘>>’ button. By default, all staff will receive a SMS.
Staff that receive After Hours SMS: Group who will receive using the ‘>>’ button. By default, all staff will receive a SMS.
Automatically Add Used SMS to Clients Invoices: Adds costs of SMS messages to be sent to crew in order to fill the shifts within that job sheet.
Charge per SMS: Cost of each SMS to be added to invoices x 0.2, client will be charge double
Create SMS templets for the following actions by filling out the text box. If you would like to go back to the existing messaged, please press ‘Back to Default’
SMS Request Message:
SMS Request Message (2 connected shifts):
SMS Request Message (more than 2 connected shifts):
SMS Notify Staff of Change Message:
SMS Cancellation Message:
SMS Confirm Message:
SMS Confirmation: : Tick to NOT send SMS confirmation messages. When accepted by crew, shifts get confirmed but a “Confirmation message” will not be sent.
SMS Multi Confirm Message:
SMS Decline Message:
SMS Staff Reminder (16:00):
SMS Onsite Contact Reminder (16:00):
SMS Staff Reminder (After Hours):
SMS Onsite Contact Reminder (After Hours):
TIP: Variables are available to use within the SMS text. For example, “This job starts at [TIME_ON]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
10.2.18 Software Configuration
Group Shift Search Admin Summary by Client: Excel Export Admin Summary in Shifts Page > Select an Action in the drop-down list regrouped by this option.
Enable Tasks: When enabled, a dropdown menu appears on each shift labelled “Tasks”, which can be edited in “Tasks” page
Enable Change of Business: PM may be set to organise many different businesses. This option allows users to easily move shifts from one business to another.
Default Business:
- Active Business: creates new shifts under the currently selected business.
- Job sheet Business: creates new shifts under the job sheet business
Automatically insert a [x] minute break every [x] hours for Shifts exceeding [x] hours in length [x] Extend time off to allow for breaks: This useful feature allows PM to automatically enter breaks,
If admin break is not set, add a zero admin break and override the incoming Crew SMS breaks: If any job does not have any breaks while being created by users and is not meant to have any breaks regardless of what crew texts in, this feature can be ticked and enabled.
Long Shifts: [X] (Hours) Over this amount of hours is considered a Long Shift. Set to zero (0) to disable.
Long Shift Break: [X] (Hours). A warning will be shown if the above number of hours is NOT given between an individual’s Long Shift and the next Shift.
After Hours Start Hour: Select in 24-hour clock out of hours start time
After Hours End Hour: Select in 24-hour clock out of hours end time
Allow Shift Map Checking: feature allows the Duty Managers to drop a pin on a building, street or location to set it as a meeting point, crew log in to their profile page to view their upcoming jobs, they can see a satellite picture of the meeting point of each job.
Allow Shift and Job Sheet Note Checking: When job sheets are created, there may be some notes entered, which are vital for the job. If these notes must be checked (by clicking a check box), then select “yes” option, that way unchecked notes will appear in red, and checked notes will appear in green. If “no” is selected, then there would be no colour indication in the background of the “notes” icon.
Show Scheduled times in excel export: When selected, this option will allow the excel export feature to show.
Order by rank in “Job SMS” area: All crew are saved in the system with a ranking number. Users can keep the crew in a ranking order in “job sending page”, or only in alphabetical order starting with their first name.
Order by rank in “Message” area: All crew are saved in the system with a ranking number. Users can keep the crew in a ranking order in “send SMS page”, or only in alphabetical order starting with their first name.
Rank Explanation: Ranking level: 1 – 5, 5 = offered job first – 1 = offer job last
Experience Explanation: Experience Levels 1 – 5, 5 = highly experienced – 1 = least experienced
Reliability Explanation: Reliability Levels are 1 – 5, 5 is very reliable – 1 is very unreliable
Score Info Popup Text: Each Crew Member is accorded a Score out of 100 that is derived from a combination of their Star Rating (Out of 5), Experience Level (Out of 5), Reliability Level (Out of 5) and Recent Activity Level (Out of 5) with the formula weighted towards their Recent Activity Level.
Show Job Number in top right Job Sheet corner: Shows job number in top right corner of job sheet page. On/off option.
10.2.19 Online Shift Acceptance Configuration
Rank Required: Rank required to be able to accept available Shifts online (0 to disable) based on their rankings.
Show Shifts when unavailable: Tick to allow Staff to be able to see Shift even if they are unavailable to them.
Show Views Jobs as Graph on Shift Page: tick box on/off
Select All Shifts on JobSheet Page by Default: drop down box on/off
10.2.20 Minimum Call (Hours)
Set a default minimum call hour on General Settings page for any activity unless the activity’s minimum call is specified which will be under “activities”.
Furthermore, minimum call hours can be adjusted based on which day of the week the call is on. For example, minimum call hour can be set to 4 hours on the weekends, and 3 hours on weekdays.
10.2.21 Timesheets
These time sheets can be reviewed and signed by the client/supervisor onsite once completed.
Tick box: Tick this box if you need default Settings on Timesheets Export
Output timesheet in this format: Output of the time sheet page can be set as “portrait” or “landscape”
Show “Onsite Contact” in header area: can be set to appear on time sheets.
Show “Onsite Contact” number in header area: can be set to appear on time sheets.
Group timesheet by: Crew on time sheets can be grouped by either “time” or “activity”
Timesheet header area Warning and Timesheet header area Warning line 2: A default message which will go on top of each time sheet.
Timesheet footer: A default message which will go on the footer on time sheet
Show Timesheet Job and Venue Notes: create note or Leave blank to show signature box.
Show Tasks on Timesheet exports: Yes/ No
Venue Lock: Yes/ No
Team Leader Activity: Select which job is the team leader.
Hide Crew Mobile No. from other crew on the same job: Tick box yes/ no
Select All Shifts on Timesheet Page by Default: Yes/ No
10.2.22 Day Sheet
Settings for the day sheet which is accessibility through crew access Calendar
Hide Induction in the Daysheet: Tick Box On/ Off
Hide Inspection in the Daysheet: Tick Box On/ Off
Day Sheet Time: The minutes before shift to send the job sheet.
Day Sheet Email: Who the day sheet is emailed to. Tick box client, Supervisor, team leader or Project Manager
10.2.23 Events Quote
If tick box, you can access the quote setting by the events page.
10.2.24 Project Code
Rental Point integration settings.
10.2.25 Email Templates
PM provides users with email templates that can be readily used. These templates are customisable to fit the needs and requirements of the user. Use the drop-down list or create your own templet. When the option is selected a pop out window will open so you will be able to edit it.
After creating the email template click client templates – Client APP Invitation and select the template you wish to use.