This setting is for various compliance for qualifications, work hour limitations, visas and other documentation, which allows you to automatic monitor. The system automatics blocks crew who compliance have expired. Additionally, if an Activity has a Qualification and a crew do not meet the qualification requirements, he will also be blocked to accept a shift with qualifications.

10.3.1 Exceed Hrs/Week Warning

Exceed Hrs/Week Warning is the compliance setting for limiting the working hours of a crew.

Tick box how you would like the warning to be alerted.

Show Warnings for required fields: A warning will appear on the Crew Profile page prompting user that the field is a required field.

Email Warning to Admin: An email is sent to the admin informing that crew has exceeded the working hours.

Email Warning to Crew: An email is sent to the crew informing him/her that he/she has exceeded the working hours.

Fill following Fields:

Caption: Enter the caption of the field. This caption will appear on the crew profile page.

Input: Enter the value of input here.

Select: Select from the dropdown menu list if you want your Input Type to be in Hrs/WeekHrs/2 Weeks or Hrs/4 Weeks.

Block Crew: The crew will have a text “BLOCKED” appended to it and will not be able to be assigned to a shift.

Required: The field is tagged as a required field on the crew profile page.

Warn: When a warning message will appear on the Shifts page.

Apply to All: The field is applicable to all crews.

Daily Email: An email is sent to the admin on a daily basis with updates.


Click Add Field to add a new exceed hours/week warning.


The fields will appear on the Crew Profile. Fields will be available for the crew to select from.


If a crew has exceeded their max working houses, he will be blocked to accept any shift offer for that duration of time until a new time frame. This means that if a crew has exceeded 15 hours in 2 weeks, he will not be able to accept any more jobs within the two weeks’ time frame. A warning message will pop-up if you try to book the BLOCKED Crew.

10.3.2 Exceed Limit Warning

This is similar with the Exceed Hrs/Week Warning, but based off the hours and shift the crew works in a week.

Caption: Enter the caption of the field. This caption will appear on the crew profile page.
Input: total hours or total gift available
Select: if total hours select ‘Total hrs’ or ‘Shift/Day’

10.3.3 Expiry Date Warning

The Expiry Date Warning works the same as the Exceed Hours Warning but this time the control is related with the date. The expiry date warning will appear in the Crew Profile Page.

This displays in the Crew Profile and the crew will be able to upload their information.
Crew View:

10.3.4 Qualifications Expiry Date Warning

There are Activities which require a Qualification before a crew can be assigned to a shift. As such, Activity can be mapped to a Qualification. Depending on the Compliance Setting, a crew may be blocked from being assigned to a shift.

All the qualifications you have added in this setting will become available in the Activity page where you can map the qualifications.

The setting warns you If crew member has an incomplete qualification or if the qualification has expired, you will not be able to book him/her to any shift. The word “BLOCKED” will be added alongside the name of the crew member.

After the setting is set up the crew can upload relatable documents.
Crew View:

10.3.5 Training Expiry Date Warning

All the types of Training added in the settings will become available on the Crew Profile page. You need to put a comment and expiry date of the training and upload supporting document for the crew. If a crew has an expired training, you will not be able to book him/her on any job.
Crew View:

10.3.6 Induction Expiry Date Warning

In the Compliance Settings, go to Induction Expiry Date Warning. Put a check mark on Block Crew if you want to block crew once the training has expired for the crew member. You can also put  a check mark on Required which will tag the field to be required in the Crew Profile page. Additionally, when you put a check mark on Warn, a warning message will appear on the Crew Profile page and Shifts page about the expired induction records.

You can also add the URL of the induction in the provided fields. There are also fields for the Provider Name, Email and Comments.

All the induction that you created in the Compliance Settings will now appear in the Crew Profile page.
Crew View:

When you select an Induction from the dropdown menu, a new field will appear where you’ll need to add comment and expiry date for the induction and upload supporting document for the crew.

10.3.7 Identification Expiry Date Warning

Just like the above title the type of identification you require from crew and select how you would like to be warned about the expiry date.

Crew View:

10.3.8 Visa Expiry Date Warning
Just like the other expiries edit the setting for the visa you would like the crew to be able to select from to upload their documents.

Crew View: