Recruit staff for your job bookings. You can setup requirements, inductions, and other pre-requisites for recruitment before accepting a crew.
The Recruitment Settings is divided into:

10.4.1 Recruit Settings

To turn on:

Display Recruits Sign Up on Login Page.
Enable Recruits Page under Contracts.
Default Super Fund is set as: Australian Super Fund (change using text box) This will be the fund that will be displayed by default during the Recruitment process
Business Label
Hide Business selection on sign up page: When user signs up, they do have to select what business. (this is helpful if there is only one business)
Resume: Select how you would like recruits to upload.
Display employment history section on recruits sign up
Allow UK mobile number

10.4.2 Show Recruitment Tabs:

Tick box the following tabs that will be shown on the recruitment header.
Interview – Details – Agreements – induction – Contract – Accounts
This will also mean the recruits will need to fill out the information.

10.4.3 Profile Completed Email

Admin Email Address means that this will be the email address that will be use during the course of the recruitment process. If there is an email indicated on the
Admin CC Email Address, that address will be copied with the same email during the course of the recruitment process.
Accounts CC Email Address, that address will be copied with the same email during the course of the recruitment process.

10.4.4 Profile Completion Email Attachment

When a potential crew member has completed his profile, he will receive an email confirming that profile has been completed. In that e-mail, files that needs to be completed.
File name: Document title
Upload a field: the document

10.4.5 Default Activity & Default Category
Default Activity: The selected activity will be the one displayed during the recruitment process.
Default Category: The selected category will be the one displayed during the recruitment process.
Insert Activity Details: The details of the activity will be displayed.

10.4.6 Title Texts
The texts entered on the Recruit Activation Checklist will appear on the Activate tab of Recruitment. The contents can be customized in the settings depending on what is needed. You can enter more texts on this field depending on your requirements.

SETTINGS default:

10.4.7 Recruit Activation Checklist
User can use this for as a checklist before recruiting someone.

10.4.8 SMS Content
Any contents entered on this field will be displayed on the SMS section under Interview tab. Fill the following SMS:

  1. Initial SMS
  2. Request for Call Back
  3. Request to Submit Document

You can add more titles if needed.

10.4.9 Interview Questions
These are the guide questions that will be asked to the potential crew member. You can add more interview questions, if needed and depending on your requirements, by clicking Add Questions. These interview questions will then appear under the Interview tabs. Use the Bin button to delete. Operators can see only.

10.4.10 Signup Questions
Same as interview but when a recruit first sign up you can add questions that they can fill in themselves.

10.4.11 Citizenship
The citizenship section will be displayed as a dropdown menu in the Recruitment tab for the potential crew member.

Select the type of document from the drop-down menu. Sort No will allocate its position in the drop-down menu of the recruits.

10.4.12 Medical Conditions
When tick box ‘Enable Medical Conditions’, the ‘Info Box’ will be visible for the crew. You can also add a label for the info box. In the screenshot below, the label of the info box is “List all previous physical or psychological injuries that may affect your work performance (answer not compulsory)”.

10.4.13 TFND Settings
In the TFND File Upload, if you select YES from the dropdown menu, a upload button will be visible in the Recruitment tab of the potential crew member. Otherwise, no button will appear.

10.4.14 Tax File Number Declaration Disclaimer
A default is entered, you will be able to edit this if needed.

10.4.15 Enable Activities for Recruit Sign Up
If click yes, the recruits will be able to select activities they are able to do. You can make certain activities available for recruit sign up. Use the ‘>>’ button to group.

10.4.16 Medical Disclaimer Check Boxes
Simple click the Add button to a medical disclaimer check boxes. You can also make the medical disclaimer check boxes as mandatory and required by ticking the box of Required.

10.4.17 Skills Settings
Any skills you add in the settings will be displayed back to the Recruitment tab of your potential crew member. The potential crew member will then be able to select the skills that matches their qualifications by ticking on the boxes.

10.4.18 Resources Settings
From the dropdown menu, select the resource that you want to add then click Save Resources. Resources are configured under the Resources Settings. Before a Resource can be made available in the Recruitment, it needs to be created.

10.4.19 Contract Settings
From the dropdown menu, select the contract that you want to add then click Save Contract. Before a contract can be made available in the Recruitment, it needs to be created first in the Contracts Settings guide 4.9.

10.4.20 Disclaimer Check Boxes Settings

Disclaimer check boxes will be added under the Agreements Tab in Agreements Section for the Recruit tab of the potential crew member. To add a disclaimer check box, simply click the Add button and enter the text in the provided field. If you want to make the disclaimer box as a mandatory field, tick the box of Required. Click Save once you are finished adding disclaimer boxes.