3.14 Tasks Page

CNB > Tasks A / DM / M

Tasks create a new column on the Shifts Page/Job sheets allowing you to refine your Activities.

For example, you could have the Activity – Performer. The Tasks could be Rehearsal, Dress Rehearsal or Show, etc. Tasks can be anything you like such as Vehicles that you may wish to associate with a Shift. Or you may wish to sub-categorise an Activity further by adding tasks to it. Tasks do not have any effect on rates or activities, it’s there just for a quick reference for PM users.

CNB > Shifts > Select Shifts > Edit Icon > Select Task A / DM / M

If activated in Global Settings, the Tasks Feature will allow you to add an extra column to the Shifts Page and Job sheets called Tasks.

AUB > Global Settings > Software Configuration – Enable Tasks A

In the Central Navigation Bar, a link to the Tasks Page will appear. Click on Tasks to open the Tasks Page and press Add New Task. You can now add as many Tasks as you like or edit them.

CNB > Tasks > Add Task A