To access the site’s page, hover your mouse in Jobs in the central navigation bar and select Sites from the drop-down list.
The Sites page displays the location of workers and the current jobs they are working on.
To be able to trim down and search for a specific job, you may use the search function at the top of the page. It provides the following parameters you may use to specify your search:
- Businesses
- Job Number
- Clients
- Crew
- Date
Info icon allows you to view the Job Card Colour Legend.
The map provides functions to help you search better, please see the following:
- Live View: You may choose from the options All, Sites, Crew to cater to your needs.
- Suburb/Postcode: You may enter a specific value code to narrow down your search.
- Date: You may navigate to a certain date according to your needs.
There are two kinds of cards you may select; Job Cards and Crew Cards these cards show the following information: Schedule, Timesheet, Logs, Notes, Rating, and Crew Pass. You may also initiate a Call and Chat with the specific worker.
Included data in the cards are the following:
- Venue
- Meeting Place
- Total Crew
- Total Hours
- Position
There may be cases where a job is unassigned. To be able to assign a crew, please click on “Unassigned” and it will provide a list where you can select a crew to be assigned to the said task by selecting their name.
Cards also do have a feature to view a crew’s profile by clicking on their picture in between the check box and their name.
The window can provide information on the selected crew such as the Date of Birth, Age, On Call/ off Call status, Address, Email Address, Number, total Shifts, Acceptance Rate and Registered date. Activities and Abilities are also available. You may also leave a note and rate the crew’s performance. Additionally you can send Invite Contract and Invite Action.
please refer below for further explanations of the different types of cards and their function.
Crew Cards:
These show the specific crew in a site
Job Cards
These show the group of crew members in a particular site/location:
Card Functions:
- Timesheet: You may view and approve the selected worker’s timesheet and also an option to edit time. Data included in the window are Crew Name, Reported Time, Admin, and Records.
- Logs: You may view the selected worker’s log should there be instances of Auto-Scheduling
- Notes: You may leave notes for the crew in this window and options on who can see the notes.
- Rate: You may submit a rating for the crew by selecting a star from 1-5 and the system will automatically equate it with corresponding conditions, and there is also an option to leave a comment. Please refer to 9.1.2 Performance of Crew Calculation for the detailed computation of ratings.
- Crew Pass: Please refer to 4.1 Daily regarding the information and status of Crew Pass.
Page Footer
Located at the bottom part of the page is the Page Footer, with different options mainly Auto, Scheduler, Edit, Quick Edit, and an option to select all crew with Unconfirmed shifts or Unlocked shifts.
- Auto: You may be able to schedule and set the following
- Schedule By
- Merge Shifts
- Rank
- Oncall
- Proximity
- Option to set a distance
- Select Abilities
- Select Abilities
- Staff Every
- Minutes
- From Rank
- To Rank
Also, an option to check on the following SMS, Email, App, Enable Client Shift Confirmation, Open Scheduler Page, Return to the previous page.
It allows users to send offers via SMS, Email, and by CrewCard mobile application.
You may also select crew members based on the following:
- On-Call Status
- Ranking
- Proximity
- Abilities
Please refer to 4.11 Scheduler for more information
Provides you with a comprehensive view of the crew’s information and details regarding the specific job he/she working on and lets you set the following:
- Date
- Start and End
- Rate
- View/Edit Breaks
- TimeSheet
- Crew Name
- Activity
- Ability
- Access
- Task
- Venue, Room, and Meeting Place/ Address
- On-site Contact Name
- PO No or Name of Event
- Notes for Crew (Clients editable and Ops Section)
- Update Rates
- Update Breaks
- Business
Quick Edit:
Provides a summarized version of the Form in Edit which lets you set the following:
- Task
- Date
- Time On and Off
- Break Start and End
To check the jobsite please select the arrow on the Job Card.
Once on the Jobsite, you may now access more details and information regarding the job such as:
- Site
- Job No
- Dates
- Supervisor
- Notes
- Venue
- Address
- Meeting Place
- Room
- Day Cards (Please refer to Card Functions for detailed information regarding the functions)
- Timesheet
- Message
- Call
- Chat
- Notes
- Rate
- Crew Pass
- Map – You may check the pinned locations of the Venue.
To add you may also do the following on the jobsite:
- Inductions – For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 6.2.2 Inductions
- Add Induction
- Induction Name (required)
- Induction URL
- Crew Required to upload file Yes/No (required)
- Client Association
- Venue Association
- Job Sheet Association
- Reminder Email when assigned to job
- Email to Admin
- Email to Crew
- Notes
- Add Induction
- Select – Select from the current inductions
- Remove – Remove currently assigned inductions
- Actions – For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 9.4 Actions Forms
- Select – Select from the current Actions
- Remove – Remove currently assigned Actions
- Operations Notes (not visible to crew) – add special instructions/notes/information that regards the booking.
- Instructions – For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 6.2.4 Instructions
- Add Instruction
- Title
- Task Name
- Upload Instruction File
- Select – Select from the current instructions
- Remove – Remove currently assigned instructions
- Add Instruction