The scheduler is another way of sending job offers to staff but with added features and functionality. Scheduler allows users to send offers via SMS, Email and by CrewCard mobile application.
Scheduler also allows you to select crew members based on their On-Call Status, Ranking, Proximity to the Job Location and Abilities. You can access Scheduler through the Calendar, Job Sheet and Shift.
Job Sheet:
Two Types of Scheduler
Manual – You have to select the crew from the available list and send the offers to them manually. You can also confirm staff to shifts or pencil them in.
Auto– Sending of job offers is done automatically. Simply enter the number of staff that will be sent offers based on the time you prescribed in the minutes field. You can also specify the ranks of the staff.
Auto Scheduler:
The Auto Scheduler will automatically send offers to the qualified crew. Similar to the Manual Scheduler, you can also use Rank, On Call, Proximity and Merge Shift. Tick box the shift/ shifts on the job sheet, then click auto-scheduler:
When clicked the Auto Scheduler will open. Fill out the fields to commence sending out job offers.
Click one of the following which will be the base of offering the jobs to.
Rank – the offers will be sent according to their rank.
On Call – job offers are sent to crews who are on call
Proximity – job offers are first sent to crew who are nearer to the job location
Merge Shifts – shifts are merged and offers are sent using Rank
Select Abilities: Only crew members with the Ability will receive the offer
Staff Every: The values entered here will determine the volume of offers sent to the crew and how long between the job offers will be sent out
From Rank to Rank: Enter the rank number you wish crew with that ranking will only be offered
Finally, click how you wish to send out the offers, once clicked press go and the shift will be sent out.
Note: You can select the Open Schedule page and a new window will open to display the Scheduler page. Offers will be sent to the crew as indicated by the logs. In Auto Scheduler, offers are sent to qualified crews and if they accepted the offer they will be confirmed instantly except for Auto Scheduler – Merge Shift.
For Auto Scheduler – Merge Shift, if 3 crew members accepted a shift, there will be an interval before someone gets confirmed. The system will select the best crew member among the three who accepted the offer then auto-confirmation is sent to the crew.
Manual Scheduler
To open the manual scheduler click scheduler through the calendar or open it through the job sheet by selecting the shift and click scheduler.
The following page will open.
A list of crew will appear bellow the shift, click Rank, On Call or Proximity to list the staff in order.
Rank – The list of available crew members will be listed according to their rank.
On Call – Staff who activated their on call status from the Crew Access portal will be on top of the list
Proximity – When this is selected, the crew are listed according to their proximity from their home address to the job location.
Merge Shifts – You can combine shifts into one using the Merge Shifts button. This means a crew member will only receive one SMS, one Email or one App notification when job offers or job confirmation are sent. Select the shifts that you want to merge and click Go.
NOTE: The difference between the Multi Shift Offer and Merged Shift (Method 3) is that the crew will only receive one offer message the number of shifts. If there are 10 shifts, there will only be 1 SMS, 1 Email and 1 App Notification for the message offer. If you use Multi Shift Offer to send the offer, the crew will receive 10 separate SMS, 10 separate Email and 10 separate App notification for the job offer.
Send Message:
Tick box one or more ways to send the offer to the crew
Tick box the staff you wish to send a message to and use the footer to perform sending the message.
Each shift has three functional buttons that you can use – Pencil, Offer and Confirm
Pencil – When you pencil in staff to a shift, you are just planning to assign that specific crew to that particular shift. Pencil does not mean confirmation. No message is sent to the crew when they are penciled in to a shift.
Offer – Shift is being offer to the crew. Shift offers are sent via SMS, Email or App.
Confirm – Crew is confirmed to a shift and a confirmation message is sent to the crew. Also when the crew is ticked box and you click confirm it will confirm their shift.
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Cancel: This will delete the shift
NOTE: When the crew accepted an offer, he/she will be automatically confirmed to the shift.
When offering a shift depending on what way is ticked a message box will appear. A default message will appear that is set in settings please see guide 10.2 General Setting.