5.1.1 Crew (Staff) List
Key: A / DM / M

Click this page to display a list all crew in your system. Advance search, block, disable, edit existing crew and add new staff through this page.

Advance search crew by Name, Postcode and Mobile no.

Employee ID: Click the text box and enter a customise employee key for each crew member.

Rank: The CrewCard staff rostering system allows you to rank your crew numerically for the purposes of prioritising them in order of preference. Simply open the Crew Page (Admin/Duty Manager/Manager Login) then put a number in the text box to the left of each Crew Member’s line. It is possible to assign the same ranking to multiple staff. The MultiSMS system will use the ranking when sending SMS. If rankings are not saved (which means 0), the MultiSMS sequence will display crew in alphabetical order. The administration account can lock the ranking so it cannot be changed. No one can see this lock.

Business:  Determines which “Business” this Crew works under. The crew are All shifts are entered under one “Business” and crew names DO NOT appear if they are not saved under that “Business”. Please note that any crew can be saved under multiple businesses.

MESSAGE: Click the message next to a crew member’s name.

This will open the SMS message page where you can send a message to one or to multiple crew members.

Add Existing Staff

To add an existing Crew in CrewCard, Simply hover your mouse to contacts and select Add Crew under Crew Column. Add Crew will allow you to add existing crew in your company while adding a new crew through recruitment process, please refer to 5.4 Recruitment .

Enter the details of the crew and you may click Save & Exit or Save & Open Profile.

Add New Staff

If you wish to add staff that are not in the system or have not signed up, click the add staff button

The following window will open:

Enter the crew details and use the arrow buttons to select their activities, these activities that are available in the list are from the activities uploaded through the settings.

After entering the information you and the option to save and exit or open the crew profile to finish uploading their information. Please see guide 9.1 Crew Profile for more information.

Disable Staff

Disabling staff is a setting that allows you to temporarily disable crew from being able to be booked for jobs.

Tick box the crew or crews you wish to disable, then click the Bulk Disable Staff. 

A popout box will open up, enter a reason for disabling the crew member and click submit. 

Before disabling the crew a pop-out will appear making sure you want to proceed. If yes click okay.

You can now find the crew member on the disabled staff list. If you wish to enable crew back into the crew, click the red icon next to the crew.

Enter a reason why you wish to enable the staff back into the system.

The crew will be back in the system and be available for bookings.

If you wish to permanently delete crew from the system you can do this on this page.

On the disabled crew page, you can view all deleted staff. Click the deleted staff button.

This will take you to a list of all deleted crew which you can view or edit their profile.

The Deleted Crew Page contains deleted crew member details which enable Admin to access for edit/view. The purpose of the Deleted Crew Page is to change deleted crew details for a crew to rehiring in the system, CrewCard system does not allow to add a Crew with the same mobile number even when a crew member has been deleted.

To add a deleted crew as New Crew please go to Deleted Crew Page then change crew’s mobile number and Save. Once the mobile number is changed Admin is able to add the person as a new crew again.

Export Emails:

Through the staff list page, you can export all crew names and emails from the system.  Click the export email button.

This will download the list of crew names and emails into excel.

5.1.2 Crew (Staff) Group
Key: A / DM / M

Allows you to create different groups for different types of clients and staff, when booking a shift, crew names who are selected in this group will appear in blue, if the staff is associated with the client they will appear green meaning they are preferred. Crew names that are not associated with this client will appear in black as this is the default colour. Also, Crew who have made themselves unavailable will appear red. For more info see “Unavailability”.

For Example: A labor-hire company may have staff for two different sets of Clients. One set of Clients maybe very corporate and another set of Clients may not be. It may be that certain types of Crew Members would be inappropriate for these Clients. On the Crew groups Page, you would be able to create two groups, Corporate and Non-Corporate and assign the correct Crew Members and Clients to these groups.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add New Group”. Once the page is refreshed enter the new default group will appear.

Enter the name and and sort no of the group, use the arrow keys to group the crew and client together. Click save at the bottom of the page.


Deleting or Undeleting a Group

  1. Tick the box “Tick to delete this group”
  2. Press “Save Changes”
  3. To recall deleted records press “Show Deleted”. Crew groups then can be undeleted.

Buttons “Order by Name” and “Order by Rank” sorts all crew in all lists on this page either alphabetically or by their rank.

5.1.3 Search Crew (Staff)
Key: A / DM / M

In this window, you can search all the Crew Members in your system by business, date, time, four activities, status and three abilities. So, if you need a certain crew with a certain skill (activity) for a certain time slot, you can enter the time and date you require the person and then select up to four different Activities.

Additional info is based on what is set in general settings for the crew profile.

5.1.4 Crew Abilities

Crew Abilities are specific abilities that a crew can do. One example is a crew that speaks a language fluently, this will be added to the list and applied to that particular crew in their profile. With the use of crew abilities, you can further filter your crews when clients request a specific group of people with specific abilities. For example, when a client needs a crew with bartending skills but also knows how to speak French.

Click Add Ability and enter the Ability Name and Ability Description.

Ability name: Name the ability
Ability Description: Description of the ability
Click save and this will then be added to the ability list within the system.

At any time you can return to the list edit and delete abilities using the action keys. Click the pencil to edit the ability or click the bin to delete the ability from the system.

5.1.5 Incompatibility

On this page, you can make certain Crew Members incompatible with certain Clients. This will remove their names from the list of available crew when issuing shifts out for a particular client.

Enter client name then crew name, add a reason (optional) then click “Add Incompatibility”.

Press the drop-down box to display the clients in the system. Select the client. Press the drop-down box to display the Crew/Staff in the system. Select the Crew/Staff. Type a reason if needed then press add.

5.1.6 Unavailability

Key: A / DM / M

The Unavailability Page in Admin/Duty Manager/Manager Login allows you to enter Unavailability for Crew Members for certain time slots so that they appear with a hash symbol # next to their name in the Crew List for jobs due to occur in that time slot.

If a Crew Member is booked for a shift in a time period that conflicts with their Unavailability, then a warning will display on the Shifts Page.

If a Crew Member becomes unavailable for a shift that’s been confirmed already it is possible to take the crew’s name off the shift and make it unavailable in one go by pressing the “Make Unavailable” button in the Shifts Edit Page or Job Sheet Page, which will automatically enter that Crew Member’s Unavailability in the Unavailability Page. The entry in the “Unavailabilities Page” will say “Made unavailable by admin – time/date of entry”.

When Admin has selected to allow the crew to enter their unavailability in “Crew Area. Crew Members can enter their own Unavailability in Crew Login, and Crew must not be booked on any shifts within that time period to be able to enter unavailability.

Unavailability Search: Enter crew name and/or Date to make a search for unavailabilities. Any unavailability can be edited or deleted in this page by clicking on the “edit” or “delete” icons next to each entry.
Add Unavailability: Select crew name, then start date/time and finish date/time, optional if it is repeated.
Crew Unavailability Reason is required and
Request Status is to be select as Approved/Pending/Denied, once done click “Submit Unavailability”.
Note: If Request Status left blank the entered unavailability will not be active. 

Admin will confirm Crew Unavailability: This option in AM allows whether unavailabilities must be approved by admin or not.

If “No”, crew can simply go on to their crew pages and enter the unavailability in the system.

If “Yes”, then each unavailability “request” must be viewed and approved by admin by selecting “approved” in the “Request Status” in the Unavailability Page and saved.

If any feedback needs to be sent to crew regarding their request, it can be entered in the “Admin Status Feedback” → “Submit” → “Email Feedback to Crew” is selected “Yes”.

 Please see the General Setting guide 10.2 to alter the unavailability system in CrewCard.